- High intake of processed fatty foods
- Obesity
- Diabetes
- Hyperlipemia
- Genetics
- Overconsumption of alcohol
- Low-calorie diet (malnutrition)
- Protein deficiency
Additionally, Leaky Gut Syndrome, which affects the permeability of the intestinal wall, may also contribute to fats entering the bloodstream.

Why it works?
Milk Thistle- Some preliminary studies have suggested that silymarin may improve liver function by keeping toxic substances from binding to liver cells.
· Protects the liver from damage by preventing toxins from binding to liver tissue
· Boosts Phase 1 detoxification, resulting in improved liver markers on lab testing
· Antioxidant that heals and protects the liver from damage caused by oxidation
N-acetyl-l-cysteine can bind to toxic metabolites and free radicals. It can also support blood flow and oxygen delivery to the liver.
· Increases levels of glutathione in the liver, which is one of the most essential factors in Phase 2 detoxification.
· Significantly improves the function of the liver, resulting in improved liver enzyme parameters on lab testing.
· Antioxidant that heals and protects the liver from damage caused by oxidation
DL-Alpha Lipoic Acid has powerful antioxidant benefits for the liver and may help induce liver regeneration.
· Enhances liver function by boosting Phase 2 detoxification
· Antioxidant that heals and protects the liver from damage caused by oxidation
· DL is an easily absorbed and biologically active form of the nutrient.
Garlic Bulb may help regulate the mechanisms of the liver and help modulate lipid and glucose metabolism.
· Source of sulphur required for Phase 2 detoxification.
· Reduces fat accumulation in liver cells to support a healthy structure of the liver, thereby improving liver function
· It improves cholesterol and helps to balance blood sugar levels.
Artichoke Leaf supports the stimulation of bile flow from the liver and protects the liver from damage.
· Protects liver cells from damage through its antioxidant activity
· Improves liver function by boosting liver enzyme activity and improving detoxification pathways
Dandelion Root protects liver tissue and helps reduce excess fat (fatty liver). It also has diuretic actions but does not leach potassium as part of fluid removal.
· Increases the flow of bile from the liver, which promotes the elimination of toxins and lowers cholesterol.
· Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant to heal the liver and protect it from damage
Selenium supports liver damage caused by oxidative stress and may support lipid deposits.
· Supports Phase 2 detoxification by increasing the activity of our most important detoxifier, glutathione.
Curcumin provides powerful anti-inflammatory benefits and can neutralize free radicals that damage the liver. It may also decrease risk factors associated with Fatty Liver Disease, such as excess uric acid, excess lipid levels, and insulin resistance.
· Boosts Phase 2 detoxification through increasing liver enzyme function and glutathione activity.
· Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant to heal the liver and protect it from damage
Phyllanthus amarus – the whole plant may help reduce oxidative stress on the liver and positively affects regulating liver enzymes
· Assists with the proliferation of liver cells, helping it to heal from damage
· Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity that heals and protects the liver from damage
Discuss the use of herbal supplements with your health care provider if you have liver disease and are taking any prescribed medications for liver disorders. If you are pregnant or lactating, you should avoid the use of these herbal supplements. Research all possible interactions relative to your present health and use only according to the label